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[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text 0=””]At Globe Dental Practice, we’re thrilled to offer all of our patients the ground-breaking CEREC option when they’re in need of a ceramic crown, inlay or veneer.

This exciting new service means you’ll be able to walk away with a full ceramic prosthesis on the very same day. There’ll be no temporary cover-ups or follow-up sessions – just a single appointment that will see you fitted with a long-term ceramic solution that looks and feels just like a real tooth.

How it works

We’ll start by taking a 3D image of your tooth, rather than asking you to bite down on impression material (which can be uncomfortable for some patients). This process is quick, painless and highly accurate.

Our CEREC machine will then create a restoration that’s a perfect fit for your mouth, taking into account factors including shape, colour, bite characteristics and adjacent teeth. If any of these factors are missing, the software is so sophisticated, it can ‘fill in the blanks’ and create a natural-looking tooth that will fit perfectly.

Once the machine has worked its magic, we’ll permanently place the crown in just one visit. You’ll walk out of Globe Dental Practice with a dazzling, healthy smile that’s guaranteed to last!


How much do CEREC crowns cost?

Click here to see our Fee Guide page for complete information on our prices, or contact the clinic for further details.

How many visits are needed?

We can complete your CEREC crown in just two visits – the first appointment will involve a consultation and some x-rays. At the second appointment, we’ll prepare the tooth and fit the crown.

How long do CEREC crowns last?

Once in position, CEREC crowns can last for many years, and should be treated as another one of your teeth, with high levels of hygiene and care.

If you’d like to find out more about CEREC treatments, or if you’d like to book yourself an appointment, get in touch with our friendly team today. Our CEREC treatments are available privately, or you can reduce the cost of your treatment with Denplan.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][items_list type=”simple” header=”More treatments” animation=”1″ additembutton=”” read_more=”0″]

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