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[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Dental implants are complete replacements for a natural tooth. They come in the form of a small screw made from titanium, which is fixed securely to the jaw bone. This carefully-placed screw can then support a crown, a bridge or a denture, holding it securely on a permanent basis.

If you have a missing tooth, dental implants are a great, natural-looking way to fill the gap and make your smile

beautiful once more.

Are dental implants right for me?

Dental implants aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution – you’ll need to have a comprehensive consultation with one of our dentists in order to establish whether you’re an eligible candidate for an implant.

We’ll conduct an assessment which includes your full medical and dental history, a full assessment of your mouth, along with radiographs where necessary, to ensure we get the full picture.

Once we’ve completed our assessment, we’ll let you know whether you’re a suitable candidate for an implant. If so, we’ll start to discuss your treatment options. If you’re not a candidate, we have a number of other restorative options available, which our team will happily go through with you.

The implantation process

The first step in the process obviously involves positioning the dental implant which will hold your crown in place. Once this has been completed, you’ll need to wait a few months until your jaw has healed – during this time, the implant will ‘fuse’ to the jawbone, creating a more stable and secure foundation for the tooth which will eventually be fitted.

If you’re worried about what your teeth will look like during the recovery period, we can provide you with a temporary denture or bridge while we wait for the jaw to heal.


How much do implants cost?

Click here to see our Fee Guide page for complete information on our prices, or contact the clinic for further details.

How many visits are required?

We can have your implant completed in just a few visits.

What happens on my first visit

We’ll take an x-ray and arrange a CT scan to get an accurate picture of the inside of your mouth, and ensure that you’re an eligible candidate.

How long does it take?

Once the screw is in place, we’ll need to wait a few months for it to fuse to the jawbone before we can position the tooth. Don’t worry – we’ll provide you with a temporary denture during this time.

If you have a missing tooth and would like to discuss your options regarding dental implants, get in touch with our friendly team today.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][items_list type=”simple” header=”More treatments” animation=”1″ additembutton=”” read_more=”0″]

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