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[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text 0=””]Even those who are most diligent with their dental health and hygiene can suffer from stained or dull teeth – for some, the natural hue of their teeth is slightly less than white, while for others, stains from food and smoking have built up over the years, leaving them with a smile they’re afraid to show off.

At Globe Dental Practice, we offer a comprehensive array of teeth whitening services that will have your smile back to its dazzling best. We’ll walk you through the range of options available and help you in selecting a shade that will suit you, before using the finest treatments available to restore your sparkling white smile.

Whitening the teeth, even by just a few shades, can have a dramatic impact on the rest of your face. Your teeth will also appear healthier, and you’ll be less likely to hide behind your hand when you talk, laugh or smile. We also offer top-up whitening treatments for patients that want to maintain their pearly whites.


How many visits are required? 

Our teeth whitening procedure can be carried out in just one to two visits to Globe Dental Practice.

How much does teeth whitening cost?

If you’d like to overhaul your smile and get that Hollywood look with our teeth whitening services, contact our team today to discuss your options and book a consultation.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][items_list type=”simple” header=”More treatments” animation=”1″ additembutton=”” read_more=”0″]

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